election coming up here and it's hard to know whether our general
nausea is health-related or whether our suffering is
suffrage-generated. So, as a test, we're back from the half-dead to
share our take on a few of the lesser evils pending voter approval on
November 6.
Of course there's a criminally insane
persecutor- er, prosecutor- who's asking for a chance to continue her
disservice. So if you like abuse of power with a racist tinge your
loooodicrous choice would be Shaylene "the Spitter"
Iseri-Carvalho. Sane voters however will be selecting Justin Kollar
who is actually, from all indications, a thoughtful, progressive and
apparently honest attorney who, even if he weren't has the fact that
he is not Shaylene going for him. And he has our enthusiastic
When it comes to the council race, shockingly nothing has changed since our evaluations before theAugust primary except that the assholes have become more, well,
assholy with Mel Rapozo and Kipukai Kuali`i battling it out for the
title of the Alpha Douche-bag. That and a warning about Ross Kagawa
who has been busy making kissy face (and butt) with the good old boys
and girls for the past couple of decades and is now trying to move up
a notch to become an elected smarm-meister
But shockingly there is someone to
actually for vote FOR locally because the man who takes the dirty out
of the words "dirty politician," Gary Hooser, is
"returning" to Kaua`i and running for a county council
seat. Gary is a walking contradiction- an honest man who actually
serves the people while serving in office. We honestly can't think of
more than once or twice where we've had to disagree with him and
that's because of our notorious radical, commie-pinko leanings.
Gary is amazingly willing to publicly
and vocally get out front on controversial issues that truly move
him- for instance he was not only the first member of the legislature
to oppose the Super Ferry but very publicly led much of the
Kaua`i-based opposition... although he wasn't out on the docks of
Nawiliwili with a bullhorn leading the blockade, as was rumored in
Honolulu. He also took a stand for civil rights when many of the more
bible-addled decided to poke their noses in the crotches of same
gender couples, successfully guiding the civil unions legislation
through the state senate while his fellow reps and sens were running
away from the issue. We could go on and on but hopefully you get the
That brings us to the horns of the
Minotaur’s dilemma- there are two names that we urge you to
consider in addition to your vote for Gary. As former Councilmember
Lani Kawahara wrote recently:
will be casting ONLY 3 votes in the Kauai County Council race, and
those votes go to Gary Hooser, JoAnn Yukimura and Tim Bynum.
play a huge part in creating and passing positive, meaningful
legislation. With Gary, JoAnn and Tim on the Council, we will have
the best chance of creating a responsible and sustainable way of life
on Kauai that respects the culture and makes Kauai a model for other
counties to follow. We can move forward with progressive initiatives
that will benefit Kauai’s families.
is a proven, effective legislator who will protect our environment
and our access to our beaches and mountains. He will work toward
making Kauai energy and food self-sufficient. His legislative
experience, leadership and voice on the Council will be a huge asset
in protecting the interests of the community and the land.
Yukimura also has an unquestionable record of integrity and
achievement in those areas important to me: environmental protection,
affordable housing and public transportation.
Bynum is smart, hardworking and totally dedicated to putting our
community first. It was truly an honor to serve with him. In this
current term, Tim reduced taxes, providing tax relief to residents
for the first time in years. Tim also understands the importance of
open, honest government and has shown he is willing to speak truth to
and Tim have worked well together these past two years but have
sometimes been stymied by opposition and roadblocks put up by others.
Add Gary to the mix and the Council dynamics will change
dramatically for the positive.
I know, have worked with, and have great respect for the other
candidates, there is no question in my mind whatsoever that ONLY
these three individuals consistently represent my personal hopes and
dreams for Kauai.
race will be close and every vote will count. Please join me in
voting only for Gary, JoAnn and Tim to ensure that the
Kauai we love and the ideals we cherish are supported and nurtured
during the years ahead.
do want to add one more thing for those who are planning on voting
for JoAnn Yukimura but are withholding your vote from Tim Bynum
because of his strong support for the measure to grandfather
Transient Vacation Rentals (TVRs) on Agriculturally-zoned land while
banning new ones. We do want to remind you that Yukimura also
supported the measure so it would seem a little hypocritical to
support her while rejecting him based on that one issue.
we disagree with Tim on many issues we are convinced that whatever he
does he does it because he actually believes it's the right thing to
do- something you don't otherwise see on the Kaua`i County Council
these days. That alone earns or respect and vote.
also ask you to reject all of the Kaua`i charter amendments. While
not going into the specifics of each one they do have some things in
common. Each is generally poorly written, attempts to solve a problem
that doesn't really exist and/or, in fact, makes matters worse, usually
by tackling minutia instead of actually reforming their target areas.
if you are looking for someone to actually vote FOR in the
presidential race please join us in voting for Jill Stein, the Green
Party candidate.
you sometime, hopefully, in the hopeful near future.