Sunday, May 18, 2008


CIRQUE DE SHAR PEI: Not to flog a deceased stallion (they apparently remain eqis-non-grata) but the circus continued with today’s report in the local paper from Nathan Eagle that has some choice quotes on the whatever-the-heck-it-is path, this time from councilperson Tim Bynum.

Bynum- whom many suspect might have taken the little bus to school based on his seeming inability to process information at a speed one would expect from a competent public official- got his start in politics due to his devotion to the bike path yet seems to have little critical thinking skills on the resulting issues other than those required to drive the bandwagon of support for the do-your-own-thing east-side, no west-side, sidewalks of Makai.

Bynum has appeared fixed-gazed and bewildered when anyone brings up the dozens of “questions” people have asked about the 60 to as much as $100 million project over and over for 10 years without answers from the administration- although he suddenly proclaimed in desperation “they’ve all been answered” beginning one day a year or so.

And despite the #1 illegality- the lack of the federally required personal sign-off by the U.S. Sectary of Transportation (i.e. not that of a functionary or subordinate)- Bynum takes a “you gonna believe me or your lyin’ eyes” attitude, reportedly saying “(f)ederal highways has assessed it and feels it meets the criteria.” according to the article.

But even more perplexing is Eagle’s seeming lack of interest in perusing the issue he told us he would look into last week after reporting last Sunday (as we reported he reported ) that the path is “‘considered’ to be a linear park”.

Eagle’s coverage of the Council is a god-send, especially after the markedly dis-jointed “what-the-heck-does-that-mean” alleged writing that government “reporter” Lester Chang routinely provided for many years at the local fish-wrap.

Why, Nathan actually seems to attend the meetings... or at least shows up for a little while, as was the case for the testimony he got second hand from Councilwoman Iseri-Carvalho for today’s tome.

But despite a promise to us to do some homework and verify that there is no official designation of the path as a county park- the basis for the dog ban being that it is indeed, a park- he again repeats the “considered a linear park” myth.

Now laziness is the stock on trade of the modern corporate journalist- get a quote from two nut-jobs who disagree, google up a fact or two and presto- a modern “objective” news story. It doesn’t have to have any relevant facts as long as there some kind of fact and two people willing to say something really dumb.

So maybe we’ll excuse the normally informative malahini Eagle for how he did chose to ask about the pesky lack of a law to enforce, which is forcing the council to try to pass laws to negate the law that doesn’t exist.

Problem is, he asked Bynum.

If you thought Shaylene’s response we quoted yesterday was irking- especially for an attorney that is running for Prosecutor- Bynum’s was, well, vintage Bynum.
Eagle writes: “In response to residents (sic) questioning whether the path should be classified as a county park, Bynum said it seemed ‘wiser to address the issue straightforward rather than fight a technical battle over what constitutes a park’.”

Is that circus calliope music coming from the council Chambers?... and how did the little poodle get up on that unicycle much less get it up on that little testimony table?

You can’t make this stuff up. But it couldn’t be any more bizarre if you did.


DISCUSSION IN THE DOGHOUSE: You also have to wonder what Eagle reads for background but it couldn’t be the alternative press where the consumers of the red meat of politics go for sustenance- especially if you judge it by his article on the Republican Convention in O`ahu he didn’t attend and wrote about before it happened for publication after it did.

For anyone who eats political affairs with their Wheaties the lead-up to their State Convention has seen a bitter battle between the alleged sell-out-to-the-liberals Lingle faction and the more radical Republicans in Hawai`i, most of the latter “cRyan” over their pro platform stance on the Akaka bill and from intrepid Ron Paul supporters.

We’ve read about it for weeks in various Honolulu based blogs and Republican-leaning news sites and even about the aftermath today and it is fascinating how such a small group can generate such cross-loathing and spur tactical missile exchanges and procedural roadblocks to their Party’s unity.

Not being a Democrat but certainly not being a Republican has it’s advantages. And one may be the ability to see the abject lack of principle on the part of both. But that doesn’t make their machinations any less amusing- and certainly more interesting that the steaming heap of muck from Kaua`i GOP mucky-muck Ron Agor that Eagle rotely regurgitated today.

Guess a little background is a dangerous thing for a reporter at the only daily on Kaua`i, especially when real Kaua`i Republican party bosses – like your lifelong friend Charlie King of King Auto Center - is the paper’s biggest Advertiser.

Eric who?


KRAPUS K-9US: And to round out our critique of the laugh-test failing Sunday paper, the weekly preposterous posturing has “da Chief”, KPD’s Daryl Perry , is still apparently refusing to recognize the potential lethality of tasers despite UN and Amnesty international studies showing the hundreds of deaths of recipients of 50,000 volts, in yet another of his denials of reality. Seems Darly is a quick read- he’s apparently got the Kaua`i-style-statement down pat after only a few months on the job.

Maybe it’s all of us who went to school in the little bus. We’re the ones who don’t have the sense to complain or vote for anyone who will.

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