Thursday, September 17, 2009


LIFE’S A BEACH... WITHOUT A BIKE PATH: Juan Wilson at Island Breath has posted what appears to the genuine, long-awaited but as yet unreleased OHA testimony opposing plans to put the bike path on Wailua Beach- a potential game changer according to many.

It says in part:

OHA would recommend that any proposed pedestrian or bicycle path stay off of and away from the sacred sands of Wailua, and that any such project occur in a more mauka alignment, towards an existing cane haul road. We are cognizant that subsurface cultural features, including human burial sites, could and do exist all throughout the Wailua area, including a more mauka alignment, but the coastal area is truly a living phenomenon and the accretion, shifting and erosion of the beach at Wailua, along with its sacred designation, truly warrants the preservation of the open space there now unencumbered by man made structures, no matter how seemingly ephemeral.

OHA understands that Federal Stimulus monies may be available for some of the transportation improvements planned for Wailua and that portions of this project as well as other related projects may qualify. It is our hope that our comments and recommendations are seen in the light of making difficult decisions on behalf of a wide and diverse beneficiary base, but always in the spirit of Aloha and aloha aina. Economic Stimulus is truly important in this time of difficulty. We also believe that spiritual stimulus is equally important as well and the wellbeing of a populace can be measured in many different ways.

In Summary, the Wailua area of Kaua`i is a truly unique and sacred traditional Cultural landscape where important parts of precontact Hawaiian history Occurred. It also remains a very special and sacred wahi kupuna which serves to inspire our modem Native Hawaiian community and Cultural practitioners as well as assist in the reconnection of the opio, the youth, with both the aina and with their kupuna kahiko. We ask that the utmost care and sensitivity be afforded this wahi kapu during the planned improvements from planning all the way through implementation.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief.

    Mangy old hotel falling down, 3 lane soon to be 4 lane highway with thousands of cars per day zipping by and Juan/OHA wants to flap about a 12 ft wide boardwalk? Please.

    This is the moving goal post plan. They or someone else will find major flaws with the mauka option and try to kill the whole thing, which is, of course, the intention in the first place.
