Thursday, February 4, 2010


POND SCUM VS. TOXIC SLIME: The state house’s disgraceful action in denying civil unions was made more unpalatable by the repugnant voice vote that tried to hide their positions.

But while most just accepted the bamboozle of many of the assorted scumbags, one reporter, Adrienne LaFrance of Honolulu Weekly (thanks to Larry Geller for the heads-up) took it upon herself to find out who voted which way by a simple method – she asked them.

Of course North Shore Representative Mina Morita had the strongest statement of all as to why she opposed the vote to indefinitely postpone action saying:

“I voiced my ‘no’ to the motion… To say that I am disappointed and ashamed on what happened on the House floor would be an understatement.”

That was obviously a truncated version a post on her new blog which said:

The vote on House Bill 444 has been postponed indefinitely. To say that I am disappointed and ashamed on what happened on the House floor would be an understatement. I believe the public, whether one was for or against civil union, deserved a definitive closure on this issue. I have been clear where I stand on this issue. I support civil unions. The posturing on this bill, by not correcting a defective date and all the procedural maneuvering, has been shameful. We were not leaders today.

As to the other two Kaua`i reps, well known bigoted racist Jimmy “Can’t keep his pants on” Tokioka was at least straightforward in his assholedom saying simply

“I voted yes.”

But of course we knew he would based on his opposition last year.

For the worst in mealy mouth bullsh-t responses we’ve gotta give the prize to West Side Rep. Roland Sagum. After voting against the original bill last year he had the nerve to say:

“People in the gallery wanted a roll call but it went down as a voice vote. It wasn’t because we are trying to hide anything… I don’t want to tell you, though. I’m trying to honor the process.”

Can we please do something about ditching these two embarrassments next November? Somebody... please... if you live in one of those two districts run for the state house. These guys have had a free pass long enough.

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