Wednesday, October 27, 2010


OH I WANT TO BE IN THAT NUMBER...: It’s crunch time for council cash and that’s meant that some have been busy little beavers while others sort of sat on their stack.

But as election day approaches what stands out is that all but two candidate are deep in debt no matter how much they raised.

The lead for total contributions this election cycle has changed hands as former Mayor and long time Councilperson JoAnn Yukimura took in a whopping $29,313.50 just since the last report and now has raised $86,328.34 total this election period. But when expenditures, loans and cash on hand at the beginning of the election cycle are added in, her campaign is $3,070.54 in debt.

The old leader, novice candidate Nadine Nakamura slowed down her torrid fundraising pace a bit taking in a “mere” $3,305.00 this reporting period for a second place total of $54,573.56. But seemingly she’s be a bit more frugal than most and when the other stats (as listed above for Yukimura as well for those listed below) are counted she’s still got $13,480.10.

Also busy making those phone calls has been former councilperson and mayoral candidate Mel Rapozo who took in the second biggest cash stash this reporting period adding $25,212.00 to his coffers for a total of $27,139.20 and a surplus of $2,266.90

Tim Bynum almost doubled his war chest since the last report taking in $16,494.86 for a total of $35,247.85 but has been sending it out as fast as it comes in as a deficit of $6,749.53 attests.

Vice Chair Jay Furfaro upped his hoard taking in $9,650.00 for a total of $32,090.00 although he’s apparently spent almost the double that leaving him with a debt of $29,788.89.

Rookie Derek Kawakami upped his kitty with $8,870.00 in new money for a total this election period of $44,421.31 with an overall deficit of $3,094.01.

Second time aspirant Kipukai Kuali`i brought in $3,156.77 for a total of $13,447.28 and has a deficit of $6,859.85.

“Mr. Wala`au”, Dickie Chang supporters kicked in $4,150.00 to give him $22,385.00 but it hasn’t been enough to take care of his eye-popping $29,102.84 in arrears

First-time candidate Ted Daligdig finally got in the game taking in $8,600.00 although apparently it’s all gone and he has a deficit of $224.98.

Brining up the rear is newbie Ed Justus who gathered $1,110.81 for a total $2,193.00 with a financial obligation of $328.17.

Finally, although he didn’t have to file by law, novice politico Dennis Fowler chose to tell the Campaign Spending Commission someone gave him a hundred bucks.

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