Thursday, February 17, 2011


COME HELL OR HIGH BONG WATER: No one seems to know for sure what will happen this afternoon when the appointed time for Councilmember Mel Rapozo’s and County Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho’s anti-marijuana rally comes around.

But only two things seem certain at press time- a bunch of counter demonstrators will likely show up and so will Mel Rapozo.

The rest is a subject for the Babooze Comedy Hour starring the Keystone Cops.

The curtain opened with Act 1 this morning at 10:36 when the Kaua`i Police Department (KPD) issued the following fishy sounding press release.

Anti-drug rally cancelled

LĪHU'E – An anti-drug rally that was scheduled at 4 pm this afternoon in front of the Historic County Building has been cancelled due to the threat of flash flooding for Kaua`i County.

A flash watch is in effect for Kaua`i and Ni`ihau through tomorrow morning.

The rally was planned to raise awareness and inform the community of the pending marijuana legislation now being considered by the state Legislature.

It’s not clear if anyone bought that excuse after our article yesterday exposed the use of county resources to plan the rally and an order from Iseri that attendance was “mandatory” for her staff attorneys and, ahem, strongly encouraged for the rest of the staff... with a suggestion that they “rearrange” their “schedule” to attend.

But in Act 2, at 12:23 p.m.- less than couple of hours after the first release- it disappeared from the county’s press release page, replaced with the following release, this one from the office of County Attorney Al Castillo:

Update on anti-drug rally

LĪHU'E – County officials said this morning that they received a complaint from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) regarding the anti-drug rally that was scheduled at 4 pm this afternoon in front of the Historic County Building.

“We are in receipt of the ACLU complaint and my office is reviewing it,” said County Attorney Alfred Castillo.

The rally was cancelled due to the complaint and for safety concerns due to the threat of flash flooding for Kaua`i County.

A flash watch is in effect for Kaua`i and Ni`ihau through tomorrow morning.

The rally was planned to raise awareness and inform the community of the pending marijuana legislation now being considered by the state Legislature.

Oh to be a fly on the wall to witness all that went into that release.

But Act 3 was on it’s way and at 1 p.m. a “Breaking News” update appeared at the local newspaper’s web site from new cops and court reporter Jessica Musicar with a headline of “Rapozo: Anti-drug rally still a go”

Musicar wrote:

Is it canceled or isn't it?

Whether an anti-drug rally will be held at 4 p.m. remains unclear, as the county and a member of its council have indicated conflicting answers.

Kaua`i County Council member Mel Rapozo, who said he originally scheduled the rally, plans to show up at the historic County Building with other participants, regardless of the county's notice of cancellation. The rally was intended to raise awareness and inform the community about pending marijuana legislation under consideration by the state Legislature.

This morning, however, the county canceled the rally, citing a weather warning. It later noted this afternoon in a press release that the cancellation is also tied to a complaint from the American Civil Liberties Union.

Rapozo said he is upset that the county was hiding behind the weather.

"To use the weather as an excuse is unacceptable," Rapozo said. "The reason for the cancellation wasn't the weather. It was the ACLU's concerns."

Although the county has not specified the nature of the complaint, stating only that County Attorney Alfred Castillo is reviewing it, Rapozo said the organization took issue with the county using public resources to host the rally.

Acting as a citizen of the county, rather than a councilman, Rapozo added he will be at the rally with church and youth groups...

We can see it now. Since county employees and any solicited attendees- like the island’s pastors and their minions who Rapozo urged to attend- most likely had heard about the “official” cancellation and the counter demonstrators- especially those who read the local newspaper on-line where, in the comments column, the protest was originally organized- probably either haven’t heard or heard Rapozo will be there, we expect to see Mel facing down a group of pissed off citizens.
But in all seriousness canceling the anti-pot-party after a complaint from the ACLU cannot be allowed to be where this ends. We urge a full investigation by at least the attorney general’s office if not the FBI- since of course KPD and the prosecutor are the alleged “perps”- as well as ethics complaints against Chief Darryl Perry whose underlings organized the KPD’s involvement, Councilmember Rapozo and, especially, Prosecuting Attorney Iseri... all of whom are or should be well aware of the laws.

It’s high time to take a page from the prosecutor’s playbook and make an example of those involved so that this type of thing never happens again.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, right on target with EVERY issue...lost cause our county management...
