IT'S A DIRTY JOB BUT NOBODY'S GOT TO DO IT: Sometime it's an occasion for a straight rant, usually after an unusually pathetic, yet successful injustice has been perpetrated. But sometimes things are so enraging and we find it so hard to fit into our new and improved engagingly rabid outfit that we resort to a simple news report.
So after receiving word last week that the Office of Information Practices (OIP) decided to issue an "informal opinion" saying that Former Chair Kaipo Asing conspired with former County Clerk Peter Nakamura to go behind closed doors under false pretenses three years ago, in order to contain our rage we went with the just the facts, ma’am.
We were just going to leave it at that until yesterday when Joan Conrow carefully inserted the opinion in our craw speaking about how
former County Council Chair Kaipo Asing violated the sunshine law — three years ago. Yup, that's how long it took the OIP to rule on a citizen complaint. And even then, you still would have to go to court to void any action that was taken during an improperly noticed meeting, adding many more months to the process. It seems government transparency, absent expediency, doesn't really count for much.
ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT. We can't get away with anything around here.
We did intentionally leave out the end of the opinion because to delve into what it truly meant would have generated enough ear-steam to power a small village.
It repeated one of the most egregious half truths in the annals of open governance. Under the title "Right to Bring Suit to Enforce Sunshine Law and to Void Board Action" it said:
Any person may file a lawsuit to require compliance with or to prevent a violation of the Sunshine Law or to determine the applicability of the Sunshine Law to discussions or decisions of a government board. The court may order payment of reasonable attorney fees and costs to the prevailing party in such a lawsuit.
This bit of butt-derived garbage directly conflicts with the state Sunshine Law which, in Section §92-12 "Enforcement" says:
(a) The attorney general and the prosecuting attorney shall enforce this part.
(b) The circuit courts of the State shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this part by injunction or other appropriate remedy.
Pretty clear, eh? Yet not one of the hundreds of of formal and informal opinions OIP has issued since 1989- especially the dozens that essentially called the actions of various boards unlawful- has been enforced by either the attorney general or any of the county prosecuting attorneys.
But how can that be- isn't the law clear as to their responsibility?
You'd think so- but noooooo.
Although it's been a while since the last time any attorney general has responded to an inquiry- and we don't believe there is a written opinion on the subject- when we did get an answer way back when, we were referred to the rest of the "Enforcement" section. It says:
(c) Any person may commence a suit in the circuit court of the circuit in which a prohibited act occurs for the purpose of requiring compliance with or preventing violations of this part or to determine the applicability of this part to discussions or decisions of the public body.
Though the reasoning is way too tortured for the way understand logic to work the gist of the AG's contention is that, because "(a)ny person may commence a suit in the circuit court of the circuit in which a prohibited act occurs for the purpose of requiring compliance," the AG will not do a damn thing and rather, will graciously allow one of those "any persons" do the dirty work.
The problem with that is two-fold. First of all the law doesn't say the AG may enforce this part it says (s)he "shall" enforce it.
For the second problem the first thing one must do is take a look at the next part of the Sunshine Law- §92-13 Penalties.
It says:
Any person who wilfully (sic) violates any provisions of this part shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, may be summarily removed from the board unless otherwise provided by law.
Misdemeanors in the state of Hawai`i are punishable by not more than $1000 fine, a year in jail or both.
Yet §92-12(c) refers to the lawsuit a person files being "for the purpose of requiring compliance with or preventing violations of this part or to determine the applicability of this part to discussions or decisions of the public body. "
The problem that we're talking abut meetings where the board is about to go into what is essentially an unlawful secret meeting. So how would you stop them? With an injunction? Well, a certain conundrum is presented by the rest of §92-12. That bit of unreality says:
(d) The proceedings for review shall not stay the enforcement of any agency decisions; but the reviewing court may order a stay if the following criteria have been met:
(1) There is likelihood that the party bringing the action will prevail on the merits;
(2) Irreparable damage will result if a stay is not ordered;
(3) No irreparable damage to the public will result from the stay order; and
(4) Public interest will be served by the stay order.
As we said, it doesn't matter what the heck the likelihood is of a party prevailing, any irreparable damage or some kind of public interest because the deed will have already been done by the time a "person" files a suit... unless you have one of those Twilight Zone stop watches that can put the board meeting in suspended animation while you track down a lawyer who can track down a judge who can and will rush over to interrogate the board and issue an injunction.
Of course this is all practically moot these days because of a case called "OIP vs County of Kaua`i" which- leaving out all the juicy stuff involving the infamous ES-177, Asing, current Councilperson and former star of the book KPD Blue (see left rail) Mel Rapozo, former Finance Director and current Grove Farm Veep and Koloa Camp evictor Mike Tressler, the Kaua`i Board of Ethics, former Police Chief KC Lum and a cast of seemingly thousands- essentially defanged OIP and turned what used to be known as the best Sunshine Law in the country into a parody of open meetings laws.
Because all a person can do is file a civil suit and seek to overturn the actions. Even if this opinion wasn't three years old it doesn't seem to mean anything as far as the Penalty section is concerned.
Although in this case the opinion appears to say that the action was "willful"- especially since Asing and Nakamura refused to even respond to OIP inquiries- who exactly is there from whom to seek the criminal penalties... which, if we understand the American jurisprudence system correctly, is what is supposed to deter people from doing it again in the future, not encourage the action over and over by essentially saying the law is a joke.
Ah, crap- now we're thoroughly pissed off. Shoulda stuck with the news.
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