chapter from the "are you gonna believe me or your lyin' eyes"
department today from an otherwise- or maybe we should say formerly-
unimpeachable source.
In a letter-to-the-editor
of today's local Kaua`i newspaper, former long-time Honolulu
Advertiser Kaua`i Bureau Chief Jan TenBruggencate- who is now the
Vice Chairman of the Kaua`i Island Utilities Cooperative (KIUC) Board
of Directors- excoriates columnist Walter Lewis for a piece
published in the paper on Friday.
In it Lewis basically describes how a
bill headed for apparent passage in the 2013 state legislature would,
in his estimation, allow KIUC to get out from under regulation by the
Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
He leads his column by saying:
The state legislature is currently
considering two companion bills — HB 815 and SB 1045 — which
could remove the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) from much or all
of its regulatory function as to cooperatives.
He goes on to say
how basically KIUC doesn't act like a co-op- something we've covered
extensively in this space- and cites many of the known debacles like
the FERC, federally-controlled hydroelectric projects as well as
pointing out many potential benefits of PUC oversight.
But in
a colorful and many times personal attack on Lewis, TenBruggencate
say that it is not true of the bill and that Walter, as usual in
TenBruggencate's view, has it all wrong. Rather he says:
So who is right?
Well, as an aside, we must point out
first that of course it would "take away no authority" if
indeed "regulatory dockets don't apply to cooperatives."
But to directly address the conflict, maybe the "description"
of the bill will tell us. The official "description" of
SD1 HD2 says that it:
Authorizes the Public Utilities
Commission to waive or exempt an electric cooperative operating in
the State from compliance with the provisions of chapter 269, Hawaii
Revised Statutes, as well as any other applicable charters,
franchises, rules, decisions, orders, or any other laws
Sounds clearly like Lewis has it right.
Although if our "aside" is any indication there may be some
wordsmithing going on in TenBruggencate's
letter that could obscures the facts.
We would also add something that
TenBruggencate might not know but
that Lewis- who was one of those most responsible for saving members
up to $80 million in the lead-up to the purchase of the utility-
seems to have forgotten.
One of
the other proposals at the time that Citizens' Utilities was trying
to sell "Kaua`i Electric" was that, rather than setting up
a co-op the county would set up a government owned and run utility.
As a matter of fact, the Kaua`i County Charter contains a section,
passed by voters, on how a "Municipal Power Authority (MPA)"
would work.
one of the reasons the co-op idea won out was that decision makers
with the county- specifically County Council Chair at the time Kaipo
Asing and then-Mayor Marianne Kusaka- together extracted a promise
from the co-op's organizing board that they would abide by two
things. The first was that they would adhere to the provisions of the
State Sunshine law which an MPA would have had to do.
second was to put themselves under the control of the PUC.
first never happened. Like a promised beach access that is fenced as
soon as the construction of a development is finished, the Sunshine
Law provision was obliterated when the by-laws replaced the articles
of incorporation. But nobody noticed because the "nit-pickers"
were too busy going over so many other details of the purchase, using
their time to follow the money rather than the process.
the group of infamous council curmudgeons led by legendary activist
Ray Chuan. appropriated the name at the time when they were
disparagingly given it by Kusaka for what she called the
"nit-picking" the of the deal- nit-picking which later led
up to the revised price.
now the part of about the putting themselves under PUC regulation is
about to be eliminated like the fence that goes up across the beach
access when the development is sold... no matter what our good friend
Jan says and how much virtual spittle he got on his letter.
there's some provision in the current text of the bill itself to
reverse 180 degrees the purpose/description- something we can't find
but which would make the bill invalid at any rate because a bill is
supposed to reflect it's original description- it appears that the
one who has a "gross misunderstanding" is our good friend
Jan, not Walter of whom we are more often critical than anything
else... unless that is there are some clever semantics going on on
the part of our pal with the skilled pen
invite you to read the bill and both Lewis' and TenBruggencate's
opposing "opinions" and decide.
feels funny for the "Rabid Reporter" to be criticizing the
great mainstream, "objective" journalist but apparently
there seems to be a "fiduciary matter" that has turned the
they say, you're entitled to your own opinions but not your own
facts; the description of the bill seems to indicate that this time
for once it's Walter who has a firm handle on those nasty little
Well Mina Morita and all of the Kauai Council supports this, with their testimony. That says something. I know that things like rate cases cost KIUC close to a million dollars last time and they effectively lost it. KIUC has not really shown that they can responsibly go without regulation, but they also don't look like they can afford to be regulated like the other electric utilities in Hawaii. Side note, HEC is considering spinning off MECO into a Coop like KIUC, I suppose that is if this bill passes. Looks like this bill passing is almost a done deal.