felt the need to tell the country he was "not a crook"
and 2010 Delaware US Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell just
couldn't resist insisting
that "I am not a witch," our own hate and
fear-mongering homophobe-in-chief Hawai`i Republican State Rep. Bob
McDermott (R, Ewa Beach-Iroquois Point) has declared "I'm not
perverse," according
to today's Honolulu Star Advertiser.
McDermott's infamous crusade against marriage equality last year
continued into this year's legislative session when he attempted to
whip up fellow Christian zealots into a orgasmic religious frenzy
over the state's sex education curriculum called "Pono Choices."
The house refused to pass his amendment to a state DOE bill after
"McDermott and others... complained that Pono Choices, a pilot
sex education program for middle-schoolers, classifies the anus as
genitalia and minimizes the dangers associated with anal sex"
according to capitol reporter Derrick DePledge.
This led Rep. Della Au Belatti (D, Moiliili-Makiki-Tantalus),
chairwoman of the House Health Committee to quip "'I think the
level of specificity in this amendment that seems to focus perversely
on these very specific sex acts misses the point' of teaching broad
health education."
In response and in true American Knucklehead fashion, McDermott
provided political satirists one of those "can't improve on
that" moments.
DePledge writes that "McDermott jumped in to defend himself.
'My amendment, which is a reflection of me, is being called
perverse," he said. "I'm not perverse; Pono Choices is
perverse. That's what this is all about. I take that as an insult,
and I ask the lady to withdraw it."
Forget the gauntlet slap. Perhaps if McDermott decides to run for
re-election this fall he could do worse than to campaign walking the
streets of Ewa Beach decked in leather and one of those ball-gags
while bedecked in a statement-making back-door chastity belt.
After all, he couldn't possibly present a more ludicrous and
preposterous image of himself than he has already.
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