There's another joke
of a promotional news
story about the resurrection of the Coco Palms Hotel in today's
local newspaper headlined "Foreign Financing Needed,"
loosely based on last week's "quarterly report" to the
Kaua`i County Council.
Apparently they're Waiting for Go-Dough, the mythical Chinese
investor with money burning a hole in his pocket.
Maybe the
headline should have said "No Green For Greene" because,
come to find out, apparently slick-talking huckster Tyler Greene
doesn't have two plug yen to rub together yet. Well, as they say,
"put you wishes in one hand and spit in the other and see which
one fills up first."
No one mentioned that the
dilapidated, tumble-down monstrosity is still sitting there despite
last year's promise it would be gone in six months... nothing but an
illegal dust fence spurring yet another of those infamous Kaua`i
"after-the-fact" permits. And apparently there hasn't even
been an application for the required Special Management Area permit
for the fence- much less one for the hotel itself. Of course that
wasn't in the news story either after being revealed at the meeting
by #1 developer-son attorney Mike Belles.
Who else remembers
when it was "the Japanese" who had "too much money"
and were going to invest in everything? Then it was "the Arabs."
Now it's "the Chinese"... whose economy is reportedly also
on the verge of collapse as happened to "the Japanese" and
"the Arabs."
We're sure everyone in the Wailua
Homesteads and Houselots just can't wait to add another 10 minutes to
the time it takes to make a left onto the highway. And we're just as
sure pedestrians waiting to cross the highway to the beach on the
Kuamo`o Rd side will be happy to walk the half mile to and fro to the
much-talked-about-but-will-never-happen pedestrian overpass
"proposed" for the Hale `Ilio intersection.
We were "this" close to the much discussed "Hawaiian
Cultural Park" with seed money already appropriated before we
let old Harold Hill sweet talk us into another 76 Trombone parade
down Rice St.
What are we- a bunch of idiots? Don't bother to
answer. The Wells Fargo Wagon ain't coming down the street any time
soon no matter how much Larry Rivera and Bob Jasper want it to come.
Spot on Mr. Parx. Best thing we could do is get 1,000 gallons of gas and burn it down... whatever happens there needs to start from scratch.